Eating Disorders

Always There To Care

Meals don’t have to be an ordeal


Are you forever counting calories and on the look out of what you eat? Are you avoiding certain foods and maybe even replacing meals with fluids? Do you go from one diet to another? Do you eat large amounts of foods and then make yourself sick so you can vomit or consume laxatives? Do you make sure you follow a very strict exercise regime? Are you worried about the way you look?


If you have answered yes to these questions, you may have an Eating Disorder.


What is an Eating Disorder (ED)?


An Eating Disorder (ED) is a serious mental illness affecting around 4 in 100 Australians at any given time1. EDs are characterised by an unhealthy preoccupation with eating, body weight or shape. Eating disorders are the third most common chronic illness in young women1.


Eating disorder types



If you don’t address your eating disorder (ED) not only your physical, but also your emotional health is likely to be negatively impacted.  Physically, you are likely to feel cold regardless of the weather, feel dizzy, faint and exhausted.  Emotionally, you are likely to develop anxiety and depression. You are likely to become avoidant and anxious of activities involving food and become highly critical and preoccupied with the way you look for instance.  You are likely to become ashamed and guilty for your ED and try to hide it from others.


References: 1.

Always There To Care